High Class Service with a Smile | Level 1, 78 Queen Street, Brisbane 4000 | (07) 3012 9911 | Discreet Service Policy​ | admin@clubvixen.com.au
Club Vixen Gentleman’s Bar & Lounge – Privacy Policy
1. Introduction:
Whilst visiting Club Vixen, at times, there may be circumstances in which we will collect personal information, such as information collected through the use of our I.D scanning technology, from you.
We are committed to complying with the Privacy Act 1998 and the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) in relation to all personal information we collect.We take your privacy seriously, and we will not deal with your personal information and/or sensitive information in a manner other than the manner set out in this Privacy Policy. This policy sets out the controls which we have adopted to govern the way we collect and use personal information, the circumstances in which we might disclose the personal information to third parties, how you can access your personal information held by us, and what you can do if you are unhappy with our treatment of your personal information.
2. What is Personal Information and how do we collect it?
Personal information means information we hold about you where your identity is either clear or can be reasonably determined.We collect personal information for one or more of the following purposes: -
(a) Through the use of I.D. scanning technology approved by Queensland Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation. As a legal requirement effective from 1st of July 2017, it is compulsory for certain Queensland licensed venues to scan patron’s personal identification (ID) from 10pm prior to allowing access to the venue as per section 173EH of the Liquor Act 1992. The information is used only to determine if a person has been issued with a current banning order or licensee ban.
(b) For one or more of our functions or activities.Such functions include the provision of our services to you, marketing our services and to give you the best service experience possible
(c) To establish, exercise or defend our legal rights
We collect personal information in a variety of ways in the course of conducting our business, including: -
(a) security video surveillance within our venue Club Vixen
(b) by taking bookings and providing goods and services; and
(c) conducting promotions, our optional mailing list and competitions.
The kinds of personal information collected and held by us include (depending on the circumstances) names, addresses, and other contact details, drivers licence details, passport details, bank account details, date of birth, signature, photographs and video footage.
Some provision of personal information is optional. However, if you do not provide us with certain types of personal information, you may not be allowed to access our venue or be provided with our services.
All patrons to our venues must have their valid personal identification scanned from 10pm as required by the Liquor Act 1992 prior entering our venues. The only information collected by the I.D scanner upon the scanning of a patron’s I.D is; their name, date of birth and photo located on their photo I.D
Strictly no access or entry is permitted to our venues after 10 p.m. if a patron does not provide valid personal identification for I.D scanning purposes.
We may also collect personal information from you while interacting with our websites if you input any personal information into the website.In addition, we may also collect cookies from your computer, which enables us to tell when you use the website and to also help customise your web experience.
When we collect personal information about you, or as soon as practicable thereafter, we will take such steps as are necessary to inform you that we have collected your personal information and of the contents of this Privacy Policy.
3. Use and disclosure of personal information
The use to which we can put personal information depends on the reasons for which it was collected.We may use your personal information for a purpose to which you consent, its primary purpose of collection or for any related secondary purpose that we could reasonably be expected to use the personal information for.
Such use may involve us disclosing your personal information to third parties.Where such a disclosure is necessary, we will require that the third party treat your personal information in accordance with, and be bound by, the APPs (or an overseas equivalent).
We may use your personal information for promotional or marketing purposes where you have consented or where you would reasonably expect us to use or disclose the information for that purpose (e.g. if you sign up to our newsletter).You may request that we do not use your personal information for marketing purposes by notifying us in writing at the address in section.
Besides the above, personal information collected by us will only be disclosed in the following circumstances:
(a) we are required or authorised to do so by law;
(b) in order to establish, exercise or defend our legal rights;
(c) for identification and verification purposes; and
(d) to provide for the safety and security of staff, customers and other visitors.
We will treat personal information collected through our I.D scanning technology in accordance with the Privacy Act 1998, the APPs and the Liquor Act 1992.
We will take all reasonable steps to ensure that the information we disclose, or use is accurate, up-to-date, complete and relevant.
We will not sell or share your personal information without your consent.
4. Holding of personal information and information Security
We will take all reasonable steps to ensure that all personal information held by us is secure from any unauthorised access, modification, misuse, interference, loss or disclosure.Your personal information is held by us on a secure server or in storage located in controlled environments with monitored and password-controlled access with limited members able to access the information freely.
However, we do not guarantee that personal information can’t be accessed by an unauthorised person or that unauthorised disclosures will not inadvertently occur.When unauthorised access occurs, we will take all necessary steps to identify the breach and to alert you and the necessary authorities.
We take reasonable steps to destroy and permanently de-identify personal information if it is no longer needed for the purposes for which we are authorised to use it.
Information collected from our I.D. scanning technology will be automatically and permanently deleted from the ID scanner system 30 days after it is first entered into the system. However, information on banned persons will be held in the system for the period of the ban, which may exceed 30 days.
5. Accessing your personal information
You may request access to personal information held about you by us.Such a request must be made in writing to the address below:
Lavolpe Pty Ltd
Attn: The Privacy Officer
Level 1, 78 Queen Street
Brisbane City QLD 4000
Email: admin@clubvixen.com.au
Ph: (07) 3012 9911
When contacting us please include your full name, address, contact number and 2 forms of photo identification (e.g. driver’s licence, passport or 18 plus card).
We will respond to your request for access to the personal information within a reasonable period and give you access to the information in the manner requested, if it is reasonable and practicable to do so considering the circumstances.
A request to access personal information may be rejected by us; including if: -
(a) the request is frivolous or vexatious;
(b) giving access would have an unreasonable impact on the privacy of another person;
(c) we reasonably believe that giving access would pose a serious and imminent threat to the life or health of any person;
(d) providing access would prejudice our legal rights; or
(e) there is another legal ground to deny the request.
We may charge a fee for reasonable costs incurred in giving access to your personal information.We will not charge you a fee without advising you of it and we will not charge you to make the request to gain access to your personal information.
6. Correcting Personal Information
We take reasonable steps to ensure that personal information we collect from you is accurate, up-to-date and complete.However, if you believe that any personal information that we hold about you is inaccurate or out-of-date, you should contact us in writing at the address in section 5 above.
7. Complaints
If you wish to complain about a breach of this Privacy Policy, the APPs or a registered APP code (if any) that binds us, a complaint may be lodged in writing to the address set out above.We will use our best efforts to investigate and resolve your complaint and provide you with a response within a reasonable time. For further information regarding complaints please contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.
8. Sending information overseas
Although unlikely, personal information that we collect may be transferred overseas to enable us to use the information in accordance with its primary purpose for collection set out above or for any related secondary purposes that we could reasonably be expected to use the information for. Where such disclosure is necessary, we will require that the overseas third party treat the personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy and the APPs.It is not practicable to specify the countries that your personal information may be sent to.
9. Changes to this Policy
We may amend this Privacy Policy from time to time.